• Avoiding GMO’s? What About Your Clothes?

    Are You Wearing GMO’s? I got inspired to write this blog from an article I read the other day.  The writer was a man who had suffered from severe allergies for many years and had  learned that eating GMO’s was probably causing his affliction.  He had cut out all GMO’s in his food but still had allergy symptoms.  Then, he discovered that clothes and other household items also contained GMO’s.   Well, that got me thinking.  Apparently, avoid cottonseed oil  in my food wasn’t enough. Do You Like to Wear Cotton? For many years now I...
  • Too Late to Stop GMO Contamination?

    How Much Longer Before All Crops Become GMO? This week was a sad day for millions of people around the world who care about the quality of the food they eat.  Through twitter and other media outlets, the news spread rapidly about the outcome of  the court case in West Australia with Steve Marsh, organic canola farmer.  He lost his organic certification and his livelihood when his crops became contaminated from a neighboring GM canola farm. Steve decided to sue the GM  farm  for losses and to protect his farm in the future.  The court did...
  • How We Get Rid of Monsanto?

    Sick of Monsanto Yet? Well, I am.  I am fed up and want to do something about it.  After 20 years of working in the alternative health industry and seeing what this evil company has done to our planet, I want to be one of pallbearers carrying their coffin. A few years I was just some radical health nut.  My friends and acquaintances had no interest in what was happening to our food supply.  How times have changed.  This past weekend thousands of people (or “activists” as one person tweeted) around the globe gathered in anti-Monsanto...
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