• Only Eat Grass Fed Beef

    Why Grass Fed Beef is Better If you follow the latest in nutrition and diets, you may already know why you should skip the supermarket beef and opt for grass fed animals. Not only are grass fed cattle treated with respect and cared for humanely, they are much healthier. Confined Cattle are Hazardous to Your Health There is a term in the food industry for conventional industrial livestock operations (i.e. raised in horrible conditions) called “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations” (CFAOs). Cattle raised in CFAOs are raised to fatten quickly and given growth promoting drugs, including antibiotics....
  • Rebounding – The Best Exercise in the World

    Heal Your Body With Rebounding Rebounding is an ideal exercise for almost anyone of any age.  Not only does it help keep a person in shape, it also has remarkable health benefits. You have probably noticed how children love to bounce up and down.  They do this instinctively because it is good for their body. Rebounding stimulates the lymphatic system. This system is a series of vessels with one-way valves.  It moves in one direction only, bathing the cells, carrying nutrition to them, and waste products away.   You might call it the garbage disposal system...
  • How to Improve Your Workout

    Tips to Improve Your Performance If you want to increase your energy and endurance,  you need to work on your flexibility.  Whether you are an athlete, weekend warrior or simply want to have more stamina during your day at work, a limber body feels good and performs better. No, we are not suggesting everyone run out and join a yoga class (though of course this would certainly help).  But you do need to spend a few minutes a day increasing your range of motion.   You can even work on your flexibility sitting on a chair...
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