• The Newest Diet in America

    The Almost Raw Organic Vegan Low (or High) Carb Paleo Way of Life Did you know there is a new diet in America?  That’s right.  Be the first to get the scoop here folks.  If you thought you were confused on just what was the perfect diet to eat, keep reading.  We have it all figured out for you. Calorie counting is so passe.  Thank goodness because it was a real drag.   Paleo eating seems to be the “in” thing these days with raw or vegan a close second.  Low carb food is helping a lot...
  • Lose 5 Lbs Without Dieting!

    Lose 5 Lbs Without Dieting!
    No, this isn’t about some crazy drink water or eat oranges for a week plan.  Here are 3 tips that really work to help drop a few pounds without any crazy diet. 1. Drink at Least 8 Glasses of Pure Water a Day Ok, so maybe this isn’t the first time you have heard about drinking all this water.  But do you know why?  Did you know that pure water, and lots of it actually speeds up the metabolism?  Now, don’t you feel more motivated to drink more water?  And when we say water, that is exactly...
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